Although very small in stature, this little amp head boasts an amazingly big 5 watts of 6L6, class A tube tone.
It features gain, tone and master controls on the front panel and an 8 ohm speaker out on the rear.
Also included is a speaker mute switch and a line out socket with level control for recording or plugging into a PA system.
It comes fitted with a 6L6 power tube giving the Angry Ant a massive power output of 5 watts!
Preamp gain/overdrive is achieved by cascading both the Angry Ants low-noise 12AX7's triodes and is controlled by the Ant's gain control. The master controls the loudness of this amp and also the saturation of the output tube.
Turn the gain and master to full and this little amp gets quite loud and angry for such a little Ant!

- All Tube Technology: Using 1 selected 12ax7 tube and 1 selected
6L6 power tube.
- Preamp section: 1 guitar input feeds a 2 stage cascaded preamp section with gain, tone and volume control.
- Power amp section: Singled-ended 6L6, self-biasing, power pentode output stage producing 5 watts of pure class
A tone.
- Master Volume: Post- preamp master volume controls
output volume and allows preamp to be gained up for a fatter, dirtier
- Speaker Output: 1 only, 8 Ohms.
- Line Out: Socket is also featured, taken from the speaker out via the level control.
- Speaker Mute Switch: switches the Angry Ant's output to an internal dummy load for line output use only. (No speaker)
- Power Switch: 3 way, off, standby and on.
- Blue Illuminated perspex front panel: for that "glow in the dark" effect.
- Transformers: are, high quality, hand wound, using vintage
transformer winding techniques, grain oriented
steel for superb sound quality and reliability.
- Quality Component: Using orange
drop caps, carbon resistors and ceramic tube sockets.
We also use quality hardware such as Carling switches, Cliff
sockets and Alpha pots fitted with chicken head
knobs. Chassis is 1.6mm aluminum extrusion with machined sides. Also featured is an engraved, illuminated clear perspex front panel.
- Hand Made Quality: All Sherlock Amplifiers products are
made by hand, ensuring the highest quality of construction,
which means they sound fantastic, are extremely reliable and
will last a lifetime.
- Weight: 2.5 Kg's only!
- Size: 22.5cm (W), 18cm (H), 13cm (D). (These dimensions include the handle and switches, etc)